# Log Format # ZCZC WEEK# MINUTES LogCode Description # LogCode: https://osp4diss.vlsm.org/ETC/logCodes.txt ZCZC W00 20 L00 General, etc. ZCZC W00 10 L03 GitHub related ZCZC W00 10 L04 GitHub Pages related ZCZC W00 110 L02 Tuesday OS ZOOM meeting ZCZC W00 90 L02 Thursday OS ZOOM meeting ZCZC W00 150 L09 Reading assignment week 00 ZCZC W00 5 L05 Quiz week 00 ZCZC W01 20 L01 Read through SCELE ZCZC W01 105 L02 Tuesday OS ZOOM meeting ZCZC W01 95 L02 Thursday OS ZOOM Meeting ZCZC W01 5 L05 Quiz week 01 ZCZC W01 20 L41 Updating TXT/mylog.txt for OSWEEK 01 ZCZC W01 150 L09 Reading assignment week 01 ZCZC W02 150 L09 Reading assignment week 02 ZCZC W02 110 L02 Week02 Tuesday OS ZOOM meeting ZCZC W02 15 L09 Generate and upload GPG key ZCZC W02 10 L09 Download scripts ZCZC W02 115 L02 Week02 Thursday OS ZOOM meeting ZCZC W02 60 L09 Find and update links ZCZC W02 10 L05 Week02 Quiz ZCZC W02 50 L23 Review Bash, Regex, AWK ZCZC W02 20 L09 Finishing and pushing to GitHub ZCZC W03 150 L09 Reading assignment week 03 ZCZC W03 120 L02 Week03 Tuesday OS Zoom meeting ZCZC W03 60 L09 Create extra virtual disk ZCZC W03 10 L05 Week03 Quiz02 ZCZC W03 10 L05 Week03 Quiz01 ZCZC W03 105 L99 Week03 Thursday Face-to-face lecture ZCZC W03 10 L09 Week03 finishing ZCZC W04 10 L06 Reading references ZCZC W04 120 L11 Reading references assignment4 ZCZC W04 15 L12 Compiling The Linux Programming Interface (TLPI) ZCZC W04 100 L05 Study and search reference to prepare for OS quiz02 ZCZC W04 5 L05 Do the OS quiz02 ZCZC W04 100 L02 Week04 Tuesday OS Zoom meeting ZCZC W04 95 L99 Week04 Thursday Face-to-face lecture ZCZC W04 100 L05 Study and search reference to prepare for OS quiz1 ZCZC W04 10 L05 Do the OS quiz1 ZCZC W04 30 L05 Do Pop Quiz 1 & 2 ZCZC W04 10 L09 Week04 finishing ZCZC W04 10 L03 Push to GitHub ZCZC W05 10 L06 Reading references ZCZC W05 120 L11 Reading references assignment5 ZCZC W05 15 L12 trying low memory ZCZC W05 100 L05 Study and search reference to prepare for OS quiz02 ZCZC W05 5 L05 Do the OS quiz02 ZCZC W05 100 L02 Week04 Tuesday OS Zoom meeting ZCZC W05 95 L99 Week04 Thursday Face-to-face lecture ZCZC W05 100 L05 Study and search reference to prepare for OS quiz1 ZCZC W05 10 L05 Do the OS quiz1 ZCZC W05 30 L05 Do Pop Quiz 1 & 2 ZCZC W05 10 L09 Week04 finishing ZCZC W05 10 L03 Push to GitHub ZCZC W06 10 L06 Reading references ZCZC W06 120 L11 Reading references assignment6 ZCZC W06 15 L12 trying low memory ZCZC W06 100 L05 Study and search reference to prepare for OS quiz02 ZCZC W06 5 L05 Do the OS quiz02 ZCZC W06 100 L02 Week06 Tuesday OS Zoom meeting ZCZC W06 95 L99 Week06 Thursday Face-to-face lecture ZCZC W06 100 L05 Study and search reference to prepare for OS quiz1 ZCZC W06 10 L05 Do the OS quiz1 ZCZC W06 40 L05 Do Pop Quiz 1,2, and 3 ZCZC W06 10 L09 Week06 finishing ZCZC W06 10 L03 Push to GitHub ZCZC W07 10 L06 Reading references ZCZC W07 120 L11 Reading references assignment7 ZCZC W07 100 L05 Study and search reference to prepare for OS quiz02 ZCZC W07 5 L05 Do the OS quiz02 ZCZC W07 100 L99 Week07 Tuesday Face-to-face lecture ZCZC W07 95 L99 Week07 Thursday Face-to-face lecture ZCZC W07 100 L05 Study and search reference to prepare for OS quiz1 ZCZC W07 10 L05 Do the OS quiz1 ZCZC W07 40 L05 Do Pop Quiz 1 and 2 ZCZC W07 10 L09 Week06 finishing ZCZC W07 10 L03 Push to GitHub ZCZC W08 10 L06 Reading references ZCZC W08 120 L11 Reading references assignment8 ZCZC W08 100 L05 Study and search reference to prepare for OS quiz02 ZCZC W08 5 L05 Do the OS quiz02 ZCZC W08 100 L99 Week08 Tuesday Face-to-face lecture ZCZC W08 95 L02 Week08 Thursday OS Zoom meeting ZCZC W08 100 L05 Study and search reference to prepare for OS quiz1 ZCZC W08 10 L05 Do the OS quiz1 ZCZC W08 600 L09 LFS chapter 1-5 ZCZC W08 40 L05 Do Pop Quiz 1, 2, 3, and 4 ZCZC W08 10 L09 Week08 finishing ZCZC W08 10 L03 Push to GitHub ZCZC W09 10 L06 Reading references ZCZC W09 120 L11 Reading references assignment9 ZCZC W09 100 L05 Study and search reference to prepare for OS quiz02 ZCZC W09 5 L05 Do the OS quiz02 ZCZC W09 100 L99 Week08 Tuesday Face-to-face lecture ZCZC W09 95 L02 Week08 Thursday OS Zoom meeting ZCZC W09 100 L05 Study and search reference to prepare for OS quiz1 ZCZC W09 10 L05 Do the OS quiz1 ZCZC W09 10 L05 Do Pop Quiz 1 ZCZC W09 10 L09 Week09 finishing ZCZC W09 10 L03 Push to GitHub ZCZC W10 10 L06 Reading references ZCZC W10 120 L11 Reading references assignment10 ZCZC W10 100 L05 Study and search reference to prepare for OS quiz02 ZCZC W10 5 L05 Do the OS quiz02 ZCZC W10 100 L99 Week08 Tuesday Face-to-face lecture ZCZC W10 95 L02 Week08 Thursday OS Zoom meeting ZCZC W10 100 L05 Study and search reference to prepare for OS quiz1 ZCZC W10 10 L05 Do the OS quiz1 ZCZC W10 10 L05 Do Pop Quiz 1 ZCZC W10 10 L09 Week09 finishing ZCZC W10 10 L03 Push to GitHub